可能违反大学性行为不端政策的一方应尽快与第九条协调员会面. 协调员将, 如有要求, help the party decide whether the allegation fall within the scope of the Policy, answer any questions regarding addressing and resolving the behavior, provide any information that might help the party decide whether to file a complaint and thereby initiate an investigation, 和/或政党希望的, 协助联系当地警方.


投诉人或被告(以下简称当事人)有权 一个顾问 他或她选择在整个申诉过程中指导和陪伴他/她,包括当事人将参加的所有会议和听证会. 当事人可以在诉讼过程中的任何时候选择一名顾问,但必须有一名顾问在正式听证会上盘问证人. 如果一方不能找到或不愿意选择顾问, 第九条协调员将指定一名由其选择的顾问,在行政专家组听证会期间协助当事人.

注意: 顾问不能作为证人.


如果当事人希望进行正式的申诉程序, 当事人(现为投诉人)将与第九条协调员会面,以确定所指控的行为是否符合第九条性行为不端或大学性行为不端的规定. 那次会议之后, the complainant will submit a written complaint to the 第九条 Office on the provided form. 收到投诉后, 第九条协调员/designee or Associate 第九条 Coordinator will do the following:

  • Inform the 被调查者 that he/she has been charged with a violation of the 不当性行为政策.
  • 与被告会面,处理指控.
  • 指派第九条工作人员调查和裁决指控,并将调查人员和裁决人员的姓名告知投诉人和被投诉人(以下简称一方或多方).

注意: 在调查或裁决过程中,投诉人和被投诉人有权随时退出正式的申诉程序. 然而, 第九条协调员, 在咨询了相应的第九条工作人员后, has the authority to continue the investigation and/or adjudication process without the complainant or 被调查者.


强制解雇: The University must investigate the allegations when a formal complaint is filed. 如果投诉人所指控的行为不构成“第九条不当性行为”政策中定义的性骚扰, 第九条协调员 must dismiss the formal complaint with regard to that conduct. 然而, 投诉人指称的行为是否构成“大学不当性行为”政策所界定的性骚扰, 第九条协调员 has the authority to institute charges under that policy.

随意解雇: The 第九条 Coordinator has the authority to dismiss formal complaints in three specified circumstances:

  1. 投诉人以书面形式通知第九条协调员,希望撤回正式投诉或其中的任何指控;
  2. where the 被调查者 is no longer enrolled or employed by the University; or
  3. 在特定情况下,大学无法收集足够证据,对正式投诉中的指控作出裁定.

注意: 如上述指控被驳回,投诉人或被投诉人可根据不当性行为申诉政策提出上诉.


The 第九条 Coordinator (Associate 第九条 Coordinator) will assign trained individual(s) to investigate the allegations. The authority and responsibilities of an investigator is as follows:

  1. Investigate the allegations of a violation of the University 不当性行为政策.
  2. Regularly communicate the investigation progress to 第九条协调员.
  3. 提供给第九条协调员, 两党, 他们各自的导师都有面试笔记, 所有证明有罪和无罪的证据, 以及调查员的最终报告.

Provided the allegations of sexual harassment arise out of the same facts or circumstances, 大学可将下列正式投诉合并:

  • 针对一个以上的被告
  • 由一名以上投诉人向一名或多名投诉人投诉
  • 由一方反对另一方

目的:答辩人有权就他/她违反大学性行为不端政策的指控进行申诉 行政事务委员会聆讯. The purpose of this hearing is to determine if a violation of the 不当性行为政策 has occurred and, if the hearing panel finds that a violation of policy has occurred, 专家组被授权批准被告.

Composition of the AHP: The hearing will occur following an investigation by University sanctioned investigator(s). The hearing panel will consist of three (3) Administrative Hearing Officers (AHO), 其中一人须担任审裁小组主席. 第九条协调员将从以下管理人员名单中任命AHP主席,AHP主席将从该名单中任命其余两名成员:

  • 行政副总裁
  • 学生成功副总裁
  • 学术副总裁
  • 参谋长
  • 学术运营助理副总裁

在评估了证据的质量之后, AHP小组成员只有在证据使小组成员合理地得出结论认为责任认定是合理的情况下,才应认定被告对所指控的不当行为负有责任. 这是, the panel member should find that there is sufficient evidence that is relevant, 可能的, and persuasive to convince the member that the 被调查者 engaged in the alleged misconduct, 而且支持责任认定的证据超过了被告对所谓的不当行为不负责任的证据.


The structure and order of the hearing will be determined prior to the hearing. A written order of the presentation of evidence and witnesses will be provided to 两党 prior to the hearing.

Following the conclusion of the hearing, the panel will move into an executive session. The panel will deliberate on the facts of the case and cast a vote to determine a finding. The majority opinion (2 or 3 votes) will determine the finding for the case. AHP应作出下列结论之一:

  • 被告是 不负责 违反不当性行为政策
  • 被申请人 负责 违反不当性行为政策.

在决定后的3个工作日内, 紧急情况下, AHP主席将做以下工作:

  • 撰写行政聆讯小组的最终报告.
  • 通知投诉人及被投诉人(同时), 以及第九章调查结果协调员, 如果被发现有责任, 指定的制裁.

如果AHP确定发生了违规, the panel will determine the appropriate sanction(s) and remedies using the established sanctioning matrix. 专家组被授权, 发现存在加重或者减轻因素的, 超过/超过既定的制裁参数.


第九条协调员将与投诉人会面,探讨旨在恢复或维护投诉人在被认定对性骚扰负有责任时的平等教育机会的其他补救措施. These remedies may, where applicable, include but are not limited to the following:

  • 在大学咨询中心进行咨询
  • 延长最后期限或其他与课程相关的调整
  • 工作或课程表的修改
  • 校园陪护服务
  • 工作或校园住房位置的变化
  • 休假

Following the determination of a finding by the Administrative Hearing Panel, 投诉人或被投诉人可提出书面上诉. 此书面上诉必须使用“上诉请求表格,并按照表格上的指示提交. 上诉必须在调查结果通知后的三(3)个工作日内提交,并包括证实上诉的所有证据.

The criteria to file an appeal, appeal policies, and the request form can be found here.

重要提示: Any 上诉请求 not filed within the 3 business day period will be denied.


在收到正式投诉人后, 第九条协调员 may offer the complainant and 被调查者 the option to enter into an “非正式的决议的指控. 投诉人和/或被投诉人也可以要求第九条协调员向另一方提供非正式解决方案的选择. 第九条协调员是决定非正式决议是否适合指控的唯一管理员. 此选项将保持开放,直到行政小组听证会开始,此时该选项不可用.

如果第九条协调员和双方同意非正式解决方案是解决指控的可行选择, 第九条协调员 will direct the parties to formalize this request in writing. 在签署解决协议之前,任何一方都可以随时退出非正式解决程序而不受处罚. Should this happen 第九条协调员 will re-initiate the investigation and adjudication process. The 第九条 Coordinator or designee will supervise the 非正式的决议 process.


紧急驱逐委员会(以下简称ERC)有权驱逐任何对投诉人的身体健康或人身安全构成直接威胁的大学社区成员, 被调查者, or any other person participating in the investigation or adjudication of the 第九条 process.  个人(e.g. 第九条调查人员, 校园安全人员, 宿舍工作人员, 或其他人)认为大学社区的成员可能构成这种直接威胁,应联系任何第九条协调员,告知协调员有关所谓直接威胁的事实.  标题IX协调员随后将启动ERC.  The ERC will meet to determine if the facts support that such a threat exists. 以下是伦理委员会运作的准则.


  • 学生是所谓的威胁:第九条协调员(或指定人员), a University professional who possess a background in counseling or social work appointed by the T9C (with designee back-up), 学生事务主任(或指定人员)
  • 员工是所谓的威胁:第九条协调员(或指定人员), a University professional who possess a background in counseling or social work appointed by the T9C (with designee back-up), 由T9C(或指定人员)指定的人力资源管理员.

2) Members of the ERC may meet face-to-face or through electronic means as soon as possible.

  • 这次会议将包括采访任何掌握有关被调查者的直接威胁的相关信息的人.
  • 在做决定之前, the ERC must meet with the 被调查者 and allow the 被调查者 to address the allegations of the immediate threat.

3) In making the decision to remove a 被调查者 on a temporary basis, ERC将使用以下标准.

  • 评估可用的支持和/或禁止措施,这些措施可以纠正直接威胁,从而使被调查者继续作为大学社区的一员.
  • 只考虑潜在受害者的人身安全.
  • 评估所收到信息的可信度和相关性.
  • 评估潜在危害的性质和严重程度.
  • 评估风险的持续时间.
  • 评估潜在危害发生的可能性.
  • 评估潜在危害的迫切性.
  • Determine that there is no other reasonable or restrictive remedies available other than emergency removal.

If a complainant or 被调查者 believes that an Assistant/Associate Coordinator, 调查员, 聆讯小组成员, or Appeal Officer assigned to his/her case cannot conduct a fair/unbiased investigation or adjudication of the case, the party may petition 第九条协调员 to replace that individual. 然而, if the allegation is that The 第九条 Coordinator cannot serve in an unbiased manner, the party may petition the Administrative Hearing Panel Chair to replace 第九条协调员. 这必须在收到指定成员的通知后3个工作日内以书面形式(电子邮件)完成,并必须包括支持证据.