Thank you for your interest in the 音乐系 at 安娜堡康考迪亚大学! 我们为有兴趣的新生提供音乐奖学金. 我们鼓励所有学生, 无论专业是什么, 考虑申请音乐奖学金.


Music scholarships are available for all students, regardless of major. Instrumental or vocal auditions will be used for consideration toward the various music scholarships available from CUAA. All award recipients must participate in a music 系综 and take 私人课程 on the awarded performing medium while enrolled at CUAA. If you are not interested in applying for a music scholarship but would like to participate in one of our music 系综s, 你可以在秋天试镜.

学生 receiving a music scholarship agree to enroll in applied music lessons each semester, as well as participate in an assigned musical 系综 based on their audition.

学生 willing to commit to a music major or minor may be eligible for increased scholarship funding.

学生 interested in participating in Worship Arts while at CUAA may be eligible for additional scholarship funding. 请在十大正规赌博平台大全排行奖学金申请表上注明十大正规赌博平台大全排行兴趣./p>

除了, students interested in Marching Band / Pep乐队 may apply for an Athletic Bands scholarship.


CUAA Music Scholarship awards are not official until a 音乐系 Award contract is signed by the recipient and received by the Music Office by the award deadline. 直到收到十大正规赌博平台大全排行合同, any Music Scholarship Award listed on your financial aid letter may be subject to change. All music scholarships are subject to an annual review by the 音乐系.



  • 2023年11月11日星期六
  • 星期六,2024年1月20日
  • 2024年2月10日,星期六

学生 unable to attend on any of these dates may also request a Video Audition, or arrange a scholarship audition in conjunction with an official campus visit through the 招生 Department, 3月1日前. Arranged auditions are subject to the availability of 音乐系 教师.

Prospective students must complete the online registration for a scholarship audition at least two weeks prior to their anticipated audition date. 因此,报名截止日期为:

  • November 11th auditions – Registration deadline of Friday, November 3rd 2023
  • January 20th auditions – Registration deadline of Friday, January 12th 2024
  • February 10th auditions – Registraton deadline of Friday, January 26th 2024


对音乐有兴趣? 查看我们的:


关于面试过程的问题? 请点击下面的答案!


音乐奖学金可颁发给所有即将入学的全日制学生. 回国的学生没有资格获得新的音乐奖学金.


The audition process at CUAA is designed to be welcoming for students with a wide variety of musical backgrounds. 我们的目标是成为一个包容的音乐社区, with a variety of musical opportunities for students of all ability levels.

No matter where you are in your musical journey, there is a place for you at CUAA. 正因为如此,我们鼓励 每一个人 有兴趣申请!


No. 作为一所文科大学, Concordia values the participation of all students in our musical 系综s. This includes both students who are interested in majoring or minoring in music, as well as students majoring in any field of study who wish to continue participating in music during college.



  • Sing two pieces of contrasting styles from different time periods (最多8分钟).)
  • 曲目应该从古典传统中选择.e., no repertoire from a popular idiom or hymns from a hymnal); one of the two selections may be from musical theatre, 如果需要
  • 这两首曲子都必须背下来
  • We will provide an accompanist for you; if preferred, you may bring your own
  • 预先录制的伴奏曲目将不被允许


  • Play two major scales: B flat, E flat, F, C, G, D concert (two octaves where appropriate)
  • 演奏两首风格对比的曲子. (最多8分钟).)
  • Repertoire should be selected from the standard solo or etude repertoire. 保留曲目的想法可能来自MSBOA或其他州独奏 & 合奏列表
  • Please bring extra copies of the music (and accompaniment, if applicable) to your audition

钢琴 & 器官:

  • 演奏两首风格对比的曲子 from different time periods (最多8分钟).)
  • 曲目应该从古典传统中选择.e.(没有流行成语的保留曲目)
  • 钢琴:
    • 记忆音乐优先
    • 能够演奏大调 & 小调调到四个升 & 四个公寓
    • 视读将被评估
  • 器官:
    • 另外,选择一首赞美诗来演奏
    • 不评估视读和量表


  • 学生必须在两个预定日期中的一个试镜, 或在紧急情况下的预定补考日期补考. 在公布的试镜窗口之后,将不接受任何试镜.
  • 学生必须提供 推荐信 在试镜的时候谈到了他们的音乐能力.
  • 除非标注无人陪伴,否则学生必须携带 钢琴部分 并在伴奏下表演他们的选段. The 音乐系 will provide an accompanist for all auditioning students. 预先录制的伴奏曲目将不被允许.

Video/internet auditions may be accepted on a case-by-case basis provided that they are received by the music department prior to the final audition date. 学生 wishing to audition via video must receive approval from the music department in advance of submitting a video audition.


所有音乐奖学金, 作为继续获得奖学金的基础, 学生同意:

  • 私人课程 each semester attending Concordia, on the instrument/voice part on which they auditioned.
  • 注册一个 系综 on the instrument/voice part on which they auditioned for their scholarship (where applicable).
  • 在年度独奏会上表演.
  • 保持累积2.5 GPA, and maintain a grade of “B-“ or higher in all required music courses.
  • 低音单簧管
  • 巴松管
  • 大提琴
  • 单簧管
  • 吉他(原声吉他、电吉他或低音吉他)
  • 鼓或打击乐器
  • 次中音号
  • 长笛
  • 法国号
  • 双簧管
  • 器官
  • 钢琴
  • 萨克斯风
  • 低音提琴
  • 长号
  • 小号
  • 大号
  • 中提琴
  • 小提琴
  • 的声音

The Athletic Band Scholarship is available to students who wish to be in the Concordia Marching & Pep乐队. 学生 receiving this scholarship make a commitment to the Marching Band and Pep乐队 at home football, 篮球, 还有曲棍球比赛. 这包括每年8月的季前乐队训练营. This scholarship is available for students in addition to their 音乐系 scholarships.

试镜, you will need to play the school fight song at the time of your 音乐系 Audition. Color Guard members will need to perform a short routine of your own choosing. 音乐可以在这里下载.


Additional Music Talent Scholarship funding may be available to students interested in Worship Arts.

学生 should prepare the requirements listed above for the standard Music Talent scholarship, 无论是声乐还是器乐演奏.

除了, students should prepare an additional song of their choosing that demonstrates musical aptitude in Worship Arts.

我还有更多问题. 我可以给谁发邮件吗??


有关唱诗班、树歌或教会音乐的问题,请联系 Dr. 约翰Boonenberg

有关乐队,管弦乐队或游行乐队的问题,请联系 Dr. 珀赖因威廉.